Finding a Purpose for Our Creative Gift

November 11, 2021 | Categories: Articles

Human beings are social animals, and, as such, our bonds of community and service to each other are part of what makes us who we are. It is widely acknowledged that when we reach beyond narrow self-interest to serve a greater-good, we empower and fulfill the best parts of our nature. Finding a sense of purpose and connection to something that is ‘greater than ourselves’ —even if that is just com­pany, community, or country— is a worthwhile and transformative challenge to undertake.

Each person has a unique path to understanding the mysterious Life Force that sustains all of existence. Whether you relate to this Power as the pure energy analyzed by science, or as the transcendent Spiri­tual presence sought by mystics, or as something that has no name, or as something else entirely, it is through developing an intimate relationship with a “power of our own understanding” that we embody our authentic self and energize our ultimate purpose.

In order to practice Holistic Creativity, the literal form of your beliefs will not matter as much as the sincer­ity of your devotion and commitment to serving the ‘whole.’ Our humanity is joined together by what we have in common as sentient beings and the con­nection we share with all other forms of life. Holism implies that we are here to serve more than our­selves. Creativity is our contribution to the well-being of the whole.

What is called for are commonly recognized meth­ods of human transformation that are non-threat­ening and non-denominational. By integrating such methods into the System, we can develop our full potential by embracing all four Realms of human experience: opening the Heart, being guided by the Soul, elevating the Mind, and engaging the Body.

If we maximize personal growth and character development, we not only improve our creative process, we realize our potential for conscious living.