Yoga & Creativity:
A Transformational Process for Being More Creative
Live, Small, & Interactive on Zoom — 7-week Class
One of the many benefits of Yoga practice is that we become physically and emotionally healthier, less stressed, and better able to focus. As a result, we can skillfully handle more intensity of awareness and experience more vibrancy in our daily lives. We can benefit from an enhanced opportunity to awaken, develop, and deliver our innate creative gifts. The simultaneous practice of Yoga and Creative processes can lead to a life filled with profound fulfillment and impactful outcomes. Create more of what you truly desire in your life!
This class is suitable for everyone 18 and older. No formal artistic training is necessary. No previous yoga experience or physical agility is required.
Enroll Now
Call: 1-(610)586-4050 or Email: info@HolisticCreativity.com
More Details
What you will experience in this class:
- Infuse your Creativity with supportive Yoga principles and practices that are either easily accessible or you may already know.
- Learn the integrated and distinctive roles of Heart-Soul-Mind-Body in creative pursuits.
- Practice ways to open your Heart and excite your innate passions and desires.
- Discover and release blocks and limitations that hold you back.
- Develop methods for harvesting meaningful inspiration and insights.
- Explore practical steps to achieve creative goals.
- Participate in meditation practices that are designed to expand your creative awareness.
- Discover the power of constructing an environment that opens your senses, piques your curiosity, and awakens your consciousness.
Upcoming Classes:
Mondays, 2/3/2025 to 3/17/2025 — 7:00PM to 9:00PM, ET — online Zoom
Tuesdays, 2/4/2025 to 3/18/2025 — 7:00PM to 9:00PM, ET — online Zoom
Wednesdays, 2/5/2025 to 3/19/2025 — 7:00PM to 9:00PM, ET — online Zoom
Mondays, 3/24/2025 to 5/5/2025 — 7:00PM to 9:00PM, ET — online Zoom
Tuesdays, 3/25/2025 to 5/6/2025 — 7:00PM to 9:00PM, ET — online Zoom
Wednesdays, 3/26/2025 to 5/7/2025 — 7:00PM to 9:00PM, ET — online Zoom
Cost: $295.00 USD — Payment plans and financial support are available
Call: 1-(610) 586-4050 or Email: info@HolisticCreativity.com
Extra details, conditions, and terms:
- While basic Yoga asanas and postures are part of this workshop —with options suitable for everyone— we will not learn formal ‘Yoga’ as such. Our focus is on Creativity and the principles and processes that enhance your potential.
- This small, intimate class gives you a safe space to actively participate in the discussions and exercises.
- Bring a sketch pad, journal, and markers or pen to class.
- You will need a yoga mat and cushions or a chair.
- For an improved audio experience, quality earbuds, headphones, or stand-alone speakers are recommended.
- While smart phones or tablets are adequate for workshops, a laptop or full-size computer screen is better suited for the visual parts of the program.
- Please avoid having a large meal for at least 3 hours before a session. Light snacks are best at least an hour before we begin.
- Please avoid caffeine for at least 4 hours and alcohol at least 8 hours before each session.
- Please do not eat during sessions.
- Water is beneficial before and during the session.
- 80% refund is available for up to one week before the start date of class. No refunds thereafter.
- It may be possible to take a different section of the class if you are unable to attend the one you are registering for. A 15% re-registration fee is applicable.
- Payment plans and financial support are available for those who need it and will benefit from this experience.
Harness Your Creative Gifts for Impactful Eco-solutions
Live, Small, & Interactive on Zoom — 7-week Class
In both complexity and scale, we have now reached a critical threshold for Earth’s living eco-systems —an Urgent Imperative— where we must intervene with sustainable solutions that have personal, regional, and global impacts. The process of Design is a powerful creative tool that anyone can master for solving problems and creating opportunities. This process can achieve significant results, especially when we align it with our innate gifts and life-purpose. As we progress through this course, you will use the principles of Design to create an appropriate contribution that best suits your current interests, skills, and circumstances. As you follow the foundation we explore, you will be able to continue developing more personal and actionable eco-contributions.
Call: 1-(610)586-4050 or Email: info@HolisticCreativity.com
More Details
What you will experience in this class:
- Discover the power of Meditation as a foundation to counter anxiety and depression.
- Learn exciting ways that people world-wide use for personal empowerment and contributions to the wellbeing of people and the planet.
- Become familiar with important movements such as Regenerative Farming, Permaculture, the Save Soil Movement, and Closed-Loop manufacturing processes.
- Review the science of Biomimicry: how engineers, scientists, designers, businesses, and others emulate Nature for ways to create sustainable solutions to human needs and preserve Nature’s living systems and processes.
- Practice cutting-edge Design techniques for accurately defining a situation, generating useful ideas, developing actionable concepts, and executing impactful solutions.
- Experience creative processes that are suitable for your personal interests and capabilities.
Upcoming Classes: Call or Email for information
Cost: $295.00 USD — Payment plans and financial support are available
Call: 1-(610) 586-4050 or Email: info@HolisticCreativity.com
Extra details, conditions, and terms:
- This is a small class so that you can actively participate in the discussions and exercises.
- You will require a Journal and pens/markers.
- You will need a Sketch/Drawing pad, (You don’t need ‘drawing’ skills for this course).
- For an improved audio experience, quality earbuds. headphones, or stand-alone speakers are recommended.
- While smart phones or tablets are adequate for classes, a laptop or full-size computer screen is better suited for the visual parts of the program.
- 80% refund is available for up to one week before the start date of class. No refunds thereafter.
- It may be possible to take a different section of the class if you are unable to attend the one you are registering for. A 15% re-registration fee is applicable.
- Payment plans and financial support are available for those who need it and will benefit from this experience.
Holistic Creativity:
A Healing Path for a More Creative Life
Live, Small, & Interactive on Zoom — 3-week Class
Learn a holistic approach to Creativity that engages your whole being: Heart, Soul, Mind, and Body. Experience a nontraditional program for healing creative blocks and enhancing your creative life. Explore the explosive power of passion for increasing your creative inspiration. Discover the essential personal skills you need to unlock your enthusiasm and expand your creative output. Use this powerful approach to realize meaningful outcomes and develop creative gifts that align with your unique life-path.
Call: 1-(610)586-4050 or Email: info@HolisticCreativity.com
More Details
What you will experience in this class:
- Learn the power of a Heart-Soul-Mind-Body approach to healing, transformation, and creative development.
- Explore your inner wellspring of creative dreams and desires.
- Experience journaling and sketching as tools to awaken new depths of creativity.
- Participate in Guided Visualizations that bolster your inspiration and insight.
- Develop a simple, practical, step-by-step plan to enhance your creative life.
Upcoming Classes: Call or Email for information
Cost: $95.00 USD — Payment plans and financial support are available
Call: 1-(610) 586-4050 or Email: info@HolisticCreativity.com
Extra details, conditions, and terms:
- The class is designed for adults of any creative level.
- This class can help people who are unsure if they qualify as a ‘creative’ person.
- This is a small class so that you can interactively participate in the discussions and exercises.
- Bring a sketch pad, journal, and markers or pen to class.
- When attending, please be sure to have earbuds, headphones, or stand-alone speakers for an improved audio experience.
- While a smart phone or tablet are fine for the workshop, a laptop or computer screen will be much better for the visual parts of the program.
- 80% refund is available for up to one week before the start date of class. No refunds thereafter.
- It may be possible to take a different section of the class if you are unable to attend the one you are registering for. A 15% re-registration fee is applicable.
- Payment plans and financial support are available for those who need it and will benefit from this experience.
Holistic Creativity:
A Soulful Way to Be More Creative
Live, Small, & Interactive on Zoom — 3-week Class
Ancient mystical practices —such as meditation, mindfulness, and other techniques of brainwave entrainment— are highly conducive to creative states of being, as confirmed by modern science. This short, dynamic program introduces you to a set of transformational processes that foster heightened states of creative flow. You will explore ancient techniques for spiritual attunement that demonstrate first-hand the effective power of altered states of consciousness. You’ll discover a flexible and holistic approach for leading an enhanced creative life.
Call: 1-(610)586-4050 or Email: info@HolisticCreativity.com
More Details
What you will experience in this class:
- Learn the power of a Heart-Soul-Mind-Body approach to healing, transformation, and creative development.
- Explore contemporary Neuroscience research that reveals the benefits of Mindfulness for Creativity.
- Participate in Guided Visualizations that seek to bolster your inspiration, insight, and creative impulses.
- Experiment with Mindfulness and Meditation practices using several different cultural perspectives and models to find what works for you.
- Merge the creative practices you already know with Meditation practices to experience profound Creativity.
Upcoming Classes: Call or Email for information
Cost: $95.00 USD — Payment plans and financial support are available
Call: 1-(610) 586-4050 or Email: info@HolisticCreativity.com
Extra details, conditions, and terms:
- The class is designed for adults of any creative level.
- This class can help people who are unsure if they qualify as a ‘creative’ person.
- This is a small class so that you can interactively participate in the discussions and exercises.
- Bring a sketch pad, journal, and markers or pen to class.
- When attending, please be sure to have earbuds, headphones, or stand-alone speakers for an improved audio experience.
- While a smart phone or tablet are fine for the workshop, a laptop or computer screen will be much better for the visual parts of the program.
- 80% refund is available for up to one week before the start date of class. No refunds thereafter.
- It may be possible to take a different section of the class if you are unable to attend the one you are registering for. A 15% re-registration fee is applicable.
- Payment plans and financial support are available for those who need it and will benefit from this experience.
Holistic Creativity Masterclass:
Personal Transformation for the Life You Truly Desire
Live, Small, & Interactive on Zoom — 12-week Program
This is not a typical “learning” experience. It is a unique hands-on, non-traditional program designed to invoke a “breakthrough” transformational experience. Each weekly session helps you discover your true creative path and awaken, strengthen, and stabilize your innate skills.
No matter where you are on the continuum of creative engagement —building on the basics, reconnecting after a long absence, or currently practicing as a professional— you can significantly transcend your current limits and abilities by applying principles and techniques that utilize your whole being: Heart, Soul, Mind, and Body.
The essence of living a fulfilling creative life requires that you harness your deepest desires, learn to empower your authentic self, and commit to your life’s purpose. This 12-week journey offers a holistic and integrated opportunity that helps develop the Creativity you innately possess.
Much like the way a chiropractor aligns your spine for maximum neurological flow, you can learn to establish a heightened Creativity flow that begins as a primal spark of desire, is nurtured and developed until it is fully realized, and then delivered as creative outcomes. The more willing you are to engage the techniques and processes we cover in this course, the greater impact, efficiency, and intensity you will realize as the result.
Enroll Now
Call: 1-(610)586-4050 or Email: info@HolisticCreativity.com
More Details
What you will experience in this class:
- Learn the 12 Universal Principles that all creative people need to embrace.
- Discover the power of a committed 90-day immersive exploration into your inner Creative Life.
- Experience expert discussion and demonstrations of various techniques for personal growth and creative development.
- Explore different forms of journaling for self-awareness and creative insights.
- Raise your conscious ability to witness your dreams, inner dialog, and the significant patterns of your daily behaviors.
- Share your personal insights and experiences —as you feel comfortable— with others in a safe, protected environment.
- Begin to refocus your thoughts and behaviors on what you really care about and avoid the distractions and barriers that block your creative flow.
- Engage in Mindfulness and Meditation practices —from a few different cultural origins— to relieve stress, strengthen your awareness, and enhance your creative abilities.
- Discover the power of constructing an environment that opens your senses, piques your curiosity, and awakens your consciousness.
- Begin to live a renewed creative life that is vibrant and filled with aligned purpose.
Upcoming Workshops:
Tuesdays, 9/11/2025 to 12/4/2025 — 6:00PM to 9:00PM, ET — online Zoom
Cost: $695.00 USD — Payment plans and financial support are available
Call: 1-(610) 586-4050 or Email: info@HolisticCreativity.com
Extra details, conditions, and terms:
- Class size is small for maximum benefit.
- The course includes a FREE copy of the Holistic Creativity book which covers the 12 Universal Principles in depth. The 300+ page book is packed with research, best-practices, stimulating exercises, and 100+ additional sources.
- For an improved audio experience, quality earbuds, headphones, or stand-alone speakers are recommended.
- While smart phones or tablets are adequate for workshops, a laptop or full-size computer screen is better suited for this program.
- For some sessions, you will be asked to avoid a large meal before class. This will ensure a better experience during some of the meditation practices you will be exposed to. You will be notified in plenty of time to prepare appropriately.
- Please avoid caffeine for at least 4 hours before the session.
- Please do not eat during the session.
- Water is fine before and during the session.
- Sessions are never recorded to ensure privacy and maximize involvement.
- International students will need to pay the shipping costs to receive their FREE copy of the Holistic Creativity book.
- Holistic Creativity is not responsible for diagnosing or fixing internet access issues that affect Zoom in your location or for the quality of your video and audio equipment.
- 80% refund is available for up to one month and 50% is available for up to one week before the start date of class. No refunds thereafter.
- It may be possible to take a different section of the class if you are unable to attend the one you are registering for. A 15% re-registration fee is applicable.
- Payment plans and financial support are available for those who need it and will benefit from this experience.
Examples of general techniques:

You’ll learn to use effective journaling techniques to explore your inner landscape of feelings, insights, and imagination. This process is vital for sparking creative ideas as well as for producing creative outcomes that are aligned with your unique gifts and talents.

You’ll experience custom-designed soundscapes, sonic healings, and guided visualizations that ‘harmonize’ your brainwaves. Using Neuroscience as well as ancient practices, you’ll create a supportive environment for heightened states of consciousness. This practice can generate profound creative breakthroughs and stimulate creative outcomes with maximum impact.

Mend What's Broken
Mend the ‘Broken’ Artist — Use targeted personal inventories and self-reflections that prepare you to clear creative blocks and unleash hidden potential. Explore effective techniques to identify and shift any Core Belief patterns that limit your success. Discover how to eliminate negative self-talk, doubt, and self-sabotage.

Online in Zoom
Enjoy live and interactive online sessions via Zoom, not pre-recorded videos. You’ll share a deep bond with your fellow-travelers in a dynamic and intimate setting that is ideal for exploring your creative universe. Learn, practice, and grow in the safety, familiarity, and convenience of your own home or studio.

Learn a variety of effective, practical methods for organizing your creative life that suit your personal style. Such skills are essential whether you plan to develop a professional studio-practice or business, seek to create a Blog or Podcast, aspire to have a part-time hobby, or have other goals. Learn to implement the right tools that fit your innate creative rhythms.

Creative Writing
Engage in creative writing exercises that uncover hidden treasures deep in your psyche. These skillful techniques probe your imagination to generate an abundance of insights and visions that can then be captured in any of your favorite creative mediums.

Postures and Movements
Explore ancient somatic practices —through postures and activities such as simple dance movements, Yoga, or Qigong— that align your spine and energize the nerve centers of the body, leading to more acute states of intuition, inspiration, and productivity.

Utilize stream-of-consciousness sketching techniques that stimulate and capture your imagination. Get into the habit of making marks effortlessly and intuitively. Get your “juices flowing” with simple skills that unblock and unleash your inner creative life-force.

Explore both familiar and cross-cultural Mindfulness practices that Neuroscience proves can enhance human creativity. Go beyond what can be learned in a conventional classroom. During the 12 weeks, you can develop a beginner’s practice that works for you, even if you have only 5 minutes a day! If you already practice an advanced routine, you’ll be able to expand on it in significant ways.

Ideas & Concepts
Learn to produce Concept Sketches that require only basic drawing skills. Anyone can use these techniques to “think directly” with your hands in the medium of your choice. These effective methods can improve your ability to translate creative impulses into powerful and meaningful creative outcomes.

Discover improvisational exercises that stimulate your creative impulses using your innate connections to Heart, Soul, Mind, and Body. These techniques can inspire you to “reach higher” by expressing your authentic creative nature and outsmarting the doubts and defenses that block your creative flow.